At Imago Dei, we value the spiritual formation of all people, including the little ones. The family unit is the most crucial context in which children learn about faith, since so much faith formation and worldview development happens at home.


Our goal in Genesis is to equip you as caregivers to disciple your children as we come alongside you to help empower, encourage and support you in this ministry. We hope to reinforce and complement what you teach and model at home. Our childcare is offered in a safe, loving, nurturing environment, and our teaching approach strives to be one of "generous orthodoxy.”



We are currently offering one class during the 9:30 a.m. service time for children who are ages four through second grade. Children are released from the service and led down to our Godly Play room. Class for third through sixth grade is after service during the Sunday School hour.

The nursery is available for children ages 3 months to 3 years old during service and the Sunday School hour.


Godly Play is a story-based curriculum that invites the children to wonder about the story through conversations and various art forms. Rather than being told what to learn or memorize from a lesson, kids are encouraged, through deeper questioning, to ponder what they can discover and explore for themselves. We also teach the children about the liturgical church calendar. This is a perfect fit for Imago Dei as we are all on our own faith journeys. It will foster growth and exploration in the children and us - wherever we are.

For family discussion at home, parents are emailed about the story on Sunday afternoons/evenings with some questions to chat and wonder about together. Here are four questions we ask a lot in Godly Play:

I wonder what part of the story you liked best?

I wonder what part of the story is most important? 

I wonder what part of the story is about you or who you are in the story?

I wonder if there is any part of the story we can leave out and still have all the story we need?